About Us
Andrea Hanson – Owner

Andrea’s dog training career has lead into her beginning her own canine business. In addition, Andrea is a wife, mother, business owner, animal rescue volunteer and foster. She has been heavily involved in non-profit organizations since 2008, starting with (and continuing in) animal rescue.
Between volunteering with different animal rescues over the years, currently Echo Dogs White Shepherd Rescue, and her dog training career, these experiences culminated into owning her own business, Hanson Canine Services.
Andrea also has a white German Shepherd and two cats – all rescues – in her home. She has trained her own dogs and of course spoiled them over the years. They are welcome on the furniture, dog beds, and are always in the same room as her. All the same way your dog would be treated while staying in home with her.
She looks forwarding to helping many people regain their travels and independence by inviting their dogs into her home for boarding as well as helping people create a stronger bond with their dogs through training. As a HUGE animal lover, her skillset from training as well as her house set up, Andrea is able to train and board dogs of all different temperaments, sizes, breeds, socialization levels, and ages.
She is also Pet CPR certified through the American Red Cross.